Saturday, October 10, 2009

Erin Olson and Trudi Tapscott on KSL!

Since I started Echo Models in May, a lot has happened for me. I found some amazing models to represent, so amazing it caught the attention of some top agencies in NYC, one in particular, DNA Models (top 5 agency in the world). Once they saw my ability to scout, they immediately called and said they wanted to work with me. And when that call came in, I couldn't stop giggling for a week, a total dream come true.

Anyway, now I have a great relationship with DNA along with others in NY, and my models are going to go places, just wait and see.

Recently, Trudi Tapscott of DNA and I went on KSL's Studio 5 to talk about modeling scams. Here's the video. I thought it would be cool to post here for ya'll to see.

Hope you like it!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Conference Street Fashion!

Here's the latest on what people are wearing to LDS Conference in SLC. I think it's always fun to see their different personal styles and it definitely should help those LDS girl's and guy's out there know that it's not bad to dress up a little. Let's take more chances people!!

Here you go:
Mr. Brian Spencer and Daniel Mahoney (extreme pogo athletes!) Brian said he bought his coat at the D.I. only 20 minutes before conference. Now that's cool!